When building an internet marketing strategy for your brand, product, or service, nothing is more important than knowing your audience. But how do you narrow the scope of your marketing down to reach the people who will give you a return on your marketing investment? With these 5 steps, you can reach your target market in no time!
Step 1: Analyze Your Product and/or Services
When looking for your target audience, the first thing to do is to analyze the product or service that you are looking to market. What need does this product fill? Who will actually use it? Consider all demographics, including:
- Age
- Gender identity
- Social stratification
- Political affiliation
- Lifestyle (parents, outdoorsy, influencer, etc.)
Knowing the broad basics for your target market is going to help you tremendously moving forward with your marketing strategy.
Step 2: Think About Your Company’s Geographic Entanglements
The next step is to recognize your company’s geographic entanglements. What geographic area is associated with your brand, and what are the benefits and limitations of that association? What geographic market are you looking to target in your marketing? Are you looking to focus more locally, branch out to a regional or even national audience, or reach for an international market? Is that audience going to see the appeal of your brand’s geographic entanglements, or are there adjustments you need to make? All of this information will prove particularly valuable to have lined out for any online advertising campaigns you plan to utilize.
Step 3: Research Competitors
As with any aspect of marketing, reverse engineering your competition will give you an edge in client outreach. For example, is your competition targeting someone that you are not? Who ARE they targeting? Why? Can you see a demographic that they’re missing and therefore provides a great opportunity for you to reach without interference? These are the questions that will help you to learn from your competitors and build a better target market for yourself to dominate your industry.
Step 4: Think Outside The Box.
If you have the time and resources, such as a mailing list, you have the opportunity to gather additional data that can prove useful in your targeted digital marketing campaigns. Consider surveys and other methods to collect outside opinions. Is there a demographic that you’re missing entirely?
Step 5: Call The Experts
If you really want to make sure that you don’t have any holes in your marketing strategy, call your local digital marketing gurus. The team at Social Eyes Marketing has a holistic approach to marketing success, giving you access to professionals who specialize in all areas of marketing, from SEO (which helps your website get found by people searching for your service) to pay per click (PPC) advertising (which will get your brand in front of your target audience almost immediately). For any questions or to set up a consultation, contact Social Eyes Marketing today!