Have you ever gone to a website and seen a “news” or “blogs” section and wondered why they have one in the first place? Well, conveying the purpose of that section can be a little tricky, so I’m here to tell you why it’s necessary and how it’s actually helping their business.

1. Blogs Bring More Website Traffic

You’ve probably heard of the fancy phrase “search engine optimization” or SEO. Blogs are an important piece of the greater SEO puzzle. This is because they aim to provide useful up-to-date information with keywords weaved in. Google likes this because it is constantly scouring the internet for the most relevant and fresh content out there.

When your website has a blog with content posted every month, it acts as a source of fresh subject matter for Google. Therefore, Google is more inclined to put your company’s website in front of searchers. The more people your website is in front of, the more traffic it will get.

The added use of keywords within the blog makes it so people who ask Google questions like “Why does my website need videos?”, receive the answer through the blog that is on your business’s website. If they find the answer through your company’s website then the more likely you are to rank higher in Google search results.

If you don’t think Google is that smart, well I’m sorry to tell you that it sure is. Google wants only the best of the best content for searchers. If your company can provide that, then you will see a huge ROI.

2. Blogs Make You an Expert Resource

Your website needs to have a blog because it provides information about the industry you’re in. People search for you to find out more about what you can offer. When they find that you have loads of information to provide for them, you build trust. You want users to know that you are an expert at what you do or sell. A perfect way of doing this is by sharing your knowledge through blog content.

A person who knows what they’re talking about is credible and reliable. Consumers will use blog information to determine if your business is worth investing their time and money in. All you have to do is explain to them why you’re worth it. Do this by giving consumers the right amount of information without giving away all your secrets.

3. Blogs Create More Value & More Shares

A blog provides more value to your website. It’s easy to want to spam LinkedIn or other social media networks with your daily deals and sales, but what about other information? A blog is social media share-friendly and does not come off as too promotional. Plus, if a reader enjoys what they’ve learned, they will share it with their network and their network may share it too.

4. Blogs Make Your Website Healthy

Your website’s design and functionality is a huge factor in overall website health. But how do blogs help? Well, one of the main points of a blog post is to engage users. The longer users are engaged, the more likely they are to explore other areas of your business’s website. After a while they may become intrigued by the information you provide and will want to visit more often.

If people are exploring your website, they will find out more information about your company and the services it provides. The longer they stay and explore, the lower your bounce rate, and the higher the possibility of them converting. The more your website is “healthy” the more Google rewards you by placing your website at the top of search results.

5. Blogs Focus on Consumers

Blog content is solely focused on targeting your company’s audience. For instance, our SEO package at Social Eyes Marketing involves creating content specific to your business and its consumers. You don’t want to brag about your business in all of your posts. Instead, offer to be the solution to their problems. A great example is if someone were to ask, “What does an Internet marketing company do?” and then you provide the answer…But you also subtly promote your company within the content as well.

A blog section aims to provide 4 main things for Consumers:

  1. Entertainment
  2. Information
  3. Answers
  4. A Sense of Community

Once you master these, your blog will become an integral part of turning readers into loyal customers.

Boise SEO Services

Hopefully, now you understand the gist of why you are seeing a “news” or “blogs” section on company websites.

Blogs on your website are like we’ve said, an integral part of SEO. By providing your readers with useful content, they are more likely to trust your business and stay on your website. Google will also trust you too. At Social Eyes Marketing we provide blog content as part of our SEO services so that your company’s website lands on page 1 of Google search results. By trusting an internet marketing company in Boise, your company is receiving the proper care and attention that larger firms fail to provide. So let’s chat!
