With a computer in the palm of your hand, internet marketing has never been more valuable. Pay per click, also known as PPC, advertising is one of the fastest and most effective ways to get your company’s name in front of your consumer today. PPC ads increase brand awareness by 80%, and 46% of the clicks in a search go to the top three results (the paid advertisements) on the page.
With pay per click advertisements being such a big opportunity for your business, you may be wondering how you can get in on it! While it is true that you could attempt to build your ad campaigns yourself, you may quickly find that hiring a professional is the best option for both you and your business. Read on to learn why hiring a search engine marketing professional is the right choice for you!

Time Commitment

Believe it or not, putting out a successful ad takes more than a few clicks of the mouse; creating a great campaign takes time. First, you have to do extensive market research to determine which keywords will prove most lucrative for your ad investment. You also need to evaluate your consumer base and decide what specific demographics you want to target for your campaign.
Beyond that, there are a few other stepping stones to creating that perfect ad, including:

  • Constructing quality landing pages on your website that are built for conversion
  • Developing and designing display ads
  • Optimizing your campaign with all of that early research in mind
  • Deciding on an initial udget for your ads campaign

All of these things take time and complete attention to detail, requiring you to put your day-to-day responsibilities on hold and doubling your workload.

Unleash Your Inner Digital Designer

Building display ads is an art. There are so many details that can be very complex if you aren’t familiar with them. The basic Google specifications for formatting, including size and attributes, can make your head spin!
Beyond those basic specs, a big part of your ad’s success is in the design itself. You want to build a display ad that will capture your potential customer’s attention as they scroll through whatever page they’ve landed on, and then make sure your message is optimized to urge action; in this case, clicking the ad and then (ideally) converting to a satisfied ongoing client.

Regular Observation And Adapatation

Once you’ve carefully constructed your ads, meticulously optimized your campaign, received approval from Google, and published your pay per click advertisements, the work isn’t over yet!
In order to truly achieve success with your PPC advertising campaign, you need to be able to study analytics from the ads and continue with regular optimization to achieve the best results. This requires having a solid understanding of Google Analytics, as well as knowing what adjustments to make based on your observed data. This also ties into the time commitment you make when you decide to run your own ad campaigns!

Experience Is Key

As with any industry, nothing beats experience. When you need something added on to your home, odds are good you don’t just do it yourself; you call a contractor to make sure that you have all necessary permits and to make sure that it’s done right the first time. So why would building your business ads be any different? You have so much more to gain (literally–your profits will increase!) from a professionally optimized ad campaign.
Another benefit of hiring a professional: when you hire a Google Ads Partner, you know that you are getting the best of the best and that search engines will place more trust and authority in the ads than they would when the ads were built by someone else!

Ask An Ads Professional

If you’re ready to talk about professional search engine marketing, the team at Social Eyes Marketing is ready to help! As a certified Google Partner, we have the authority in our industry as well as the local business acumen to help you achieve your campaign goals. Contact us today for more information!
